PVEP is fully committed to environmental sustainability by preserving natural resources and reducing pollution for present and future generations.
Certification of ISO 14001 with internationally recognized standard demonstrates our company’s commitment to minimizing the impact of it’s activities on the environment through use of best management practices, technological advances, promoting environmental awareness and continual improvement. We are accountable to manage the wastes and the consumption of raw materials and fuel resources in an environmentally responsible manner. We have implemented an environmental management system (EMS) in accordance with the currently international standards, regulations and law. Environmental impact assessment is mandatory and always be adhered to before any projects commencement.
PVEP is one of the first companies in Vietnam to invest in research and development projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), in compliance with the Kyoto Protocol of the UN Framework Convention on climate change.
The effects on the natural environment from the company’s operations are properly managed and reflect current industry practices. Implementing over 40 projects in Vietnam and dozens others worldwide, onshore and offshore, with potential hazards of air pollution, oil spills and others, PVEP has been always striving to ensure environmental protection requirements and we take pride in our performance of zero incident so far. Besides, we actively respond and participate in the propaganda of environmental protection such as the annual Earth Hour, World Environment Day, and tree planting campaigns, etc.
Accompanying the community in protecting the environment against the impacts of climate change, and towards optimizing and reducing operation cost, since the end of 2015, PVEP has applied synchronized solutions of resources, energy, consumable materials; waste management; utilization of green office management with multiple practices such as minimizing use of natural storage systems and common resources, environmentally friendly office design