PVEP is dedicated to providing a safe and secure workplace where all our people have the knowledge and ability to work safely by using the best technology and practices. We have been striving to improve the effectiveness of our health, safety and environmental (HSE) management and conducting our business in such a manner so as to ensure that all hazards to our people, assets and the environment are prevented while adverse effects on the environment and property, minimized. To this end, we established a HSE Management System to ensure that the health and safety of employees, contractors and other related parties is protected. Our people are well prepared for any emergency case in all operations.
Thank to our staffs for their substantial procedural compliance, awareness and prudence, PVEP and its affiliates have racked up tens of millions of consecutive safe work hours with no lost-time incident, while have successfully accomplished huge volumes of work.
We are committed to the implementation, review and continuous improvement of the HSE management system and deal with any insufficiency seriously. In order to formalize this commitment, we have been managing the risks associated with PVEP activities by developing and implementing an effective and efficient HSE management system. PVEP has insistently complied with any applicable legislation and relevant international regulations.